Zeelander Yachts

Zeelander Yachts -Zeelander Yachts has expanded its existing Dutch shipyard in response to growing demand
Zeelander Yachts’ state-of-the-art shipyard in Groot-Ammers, the Netherlands, is undergoing an expansion in response to growing demand for its boats. This will also allow the company to prepare the ground for the development of new models.
“We are expanding in several phases, and the first one is now complete,” explained Sietse Koopmans, Founder and Chairman of the family-owned Zeelander Yachts. “We have added over 15 meters in length of extra work floor and a new section of 30×15 meters for a total of 450 square meters. The space is now enough to assemble at least five boats at the same time. The area for winter storage is increased, so we will be able to accommodate more yachts from clients that want us to take care of their yachts.”

The next phases of the expansion include new office spaces and extra work floor for the shipyard.
“We have a healthy order book. Therefore, we decided to develop the facility step by step, without jump-like transitions,” added Koopmans. “We take this very seriously and of course keep a close eye on the current situation. If necessary, we can change our plans without taking financial risks.”
Zeelander Yachts’ current range includes three models: the Z44, Z55 and Z72. The company is developing ideas to expand the range.