Principality of Monaco Trophy

Principality of Monaco Trophy, eleven years of vintage sailing in Venice

The Ladies of the Sea return to the Serenissima with the Principality of Monaco Trophy Le Vele d’Epoca in Laguna BNL BNP Paribas Wealth Management Cup, Aon Special Award, event promoted by the Honorary Consul of the Principality of Monaco in Venice Anna Licia Balzan. The Trophy, now in its 11th edition, is confirmed as one of the most important events for vintage sailing in the Adriatic thanks to the setting of the most famous lagoon in the world and the importance of the historical value of the participating boats that will be moored at the Arsenale, symbol par excellence of the Venetian maritime spirit. 

The regattas will begin on Friday 28 June with the boats in the 5.50 Meter S.I. class. (International Tonnage) who will compete for the prestigious Enoshima Trophy over several trials. Throughout the world there are around 800 hulls of this famous metric class, born in England in 1949.

The Principality of Monaco Trophy includes two regattas for Saturday 29th and Sunday 30th June applying the C.I.M. ratings. (Comité International de la Méditerranée). Sunday morning at 11.00 an unmissable appointment with the traditional sailing parade which will see a fleet of famous Riva motorboats parade in front of the banks of San Marco, in addition to enchanting vintage sails rich in history. In fact, on the same days the annual Riva Days gathering organized by the Riva Historical Society, the international association founded in Milan in 1998 which protects and spreads the culture of the most famous wooden runabouts in the world, will take place in Venice. Over 40 boats are also expected from Switzerland, Belgium, Germany, Holland, England and the United States. Sailing in the lagoon, a Concours d’Elegance themed “Marco Polo” in the 700th year of his death, stops on the islands and tests of seafaring ability are planned.

The event is organized under the sporting direction of Mirko Sguario, founder and president of the Venice Yacht Club, in collaboration with the Circolo Velico PortodiMare, Salone Nautico Venezia, Vela Spa and benefits from the patronage of the Navy, Le Città in Festa, and A.I.V.E. Italian Association of Vintage Sails.

This edition of the Trophy sees for the first time the participation of Aon with a Special Award and the support of Nature’s, Villa Sandi, Mure a Dritta, Barovier and Toso for the regatta prizes, Canella, Dolomia, il Palato Italiano, Zur Kaiserkron, Batzen. Particular attention has been paid to the environment thanks to Mureadritta which will provide all crews with technical clothing obtained with yarns obtained from the recycling of PET plastic bottles.

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