Ocea Nemo 44 Concept has now entered the details stage, with Technical Drawings almost ready.
It is interesting therefore, acquiring Creator’s and Designer’s opinions on the Project.
As a matter of fact, Aldo Manna, the Developer, conceived the Project as the very first Sport Utility Yacht and delivered this brand-new idea, to Naval Architect Fulvio de Simoni, who was capable to convert the Concept into plans.
Aldo Manna, tells what’s behind Ocea Nemo 44 Project
More than 20 years spent dealing with yachts, brought me recently to following conclusions: owners of 100 plus feet vessels, are living their boats as luxury hotels, pampered with all comforts, nevertheless somehow slightly bored, the way they stay onboard.
Even when they drop anchor in a beautiful bay, they often perceive the lack of contact with sea and few chances of spending time, doing all those activities which made them loving yachts.
Rather than seldom, they can’t match the “five stars” luxury, they feel when sailing, with the entertaining of life on the sea, when destinations are reached.
Therefore I imagined to conceive a boat capable to offer all those superyacht coziness, combined with an extensive range of amenities and the very best in terms of good life on the water.
The goal was providing the most discerning owner on his yacht anchored in a splendid bay, with everything he might wish, like a super-tender, able to bring him and his guests, fast and cushy, wherever they want, for a day ride or a night stay in the neighbourhood, giving them the opportunity to sail on a day-cruiser in a windy day either, or fishing on an real outfitted Walkaround.
Ocea Nemo 44, aims to fulfil the growing demand of a brand-new superyacht class, that can be compared to SUVs and has been combined into “Sport Utility Yacht” concept; in other words an all-around seafarer boat, able to sail in deep waters with comforts and luxury, but still in extensive and close touch with water and sea-life. We wished owners and their guests, enjoying what they love most when on the water and that’s the key to bring them back to a close and genuine connection with the sea, sharing real good time.
Due to all of these peculiarities, project Ocea Nemo will not be just the 44 metres. We’re already working on a project range, from 38 up to 65 metres length. Every single Ocea NEMO model, will have the same DNA: “We are willing to set free yacht owners from the static feeling of a rigid luxury floating hotel and get them back living the sea with leisure and real fun”
Aldo Manna Founder and CEO MC Yacht & Co. International, project Ocea Nemo 44 creator
Fulvio de Simoni: Designer’s contribute
The demand on given inputs, was providing Ocea Nemo 44 with dedicated areas, for all kind of water-toys and equipment needed for relaxing and fun.
Therefore, Ocea Nemo 44 has been conceived and designed, in order to outfit a full beam water-line garage, where an up to 8 metres length super-tender can be stowed (biggest tender on a 44 metres length yacht), able to commute guests from boat to harbour, which can be used as a day-cruiser either, together with a 5 metres crew-tender, a wakeboard runabout, wave-runners and an extensive selection of water toys, which are a must-have during sunny days on anchor.
On the Raised-Deck, in-between main and upper decks, you can have in the meantime a 40 knots-speed Walk-around, a sailing Day-Cruiser, or a deep-sea Submarine.
As far as outdoor layouts, we aimed to offer the best in terms of good life on board, starting from a 25 square metres Beach-Club that, together with above mentioned raised and upper decks, bring open-air living areas, to a remarkable 300 square metres.
For all those owners less sporty and more devoted to glamour, a sea or fresh water 20 square metres swimming pool, can be placed on demand onto Raised-Deck, while on Main-Deck, we designed an unique 30 square metres “Veranda”, breezy and protected equally, which is a one of a kind and easily accessible in just 5 stairs, both from raised and upper deck.
Big volumes and stowing areas, allow to keep on board a drop keel sailboat, a Moth-Sail and a huge quantity of floating devices, as sups, kayaks, kite-boards, seabobs, jet-boards and all kind of “Over the Railing” you may wish (climbing-walls, sea-pools, sliders, etc.).
A distinctive feature of this project and, quite uncommon on superyachts, is we managed to reduce dramatically big stairs for connecting decks.
The final layout, thanks to smooth insertion of the raised deck, contributed in the perceiving of a stern seamlessly area and volumes.
And one of the most intriguing aspects is we achieved a well balance design, thanks to volumes we needed for stowing this huge number of amenities.
When the Function enhances Style!
Fulvio De Simoni Architect and Designer of new Ocea Nemo 44