Hallberg-Rassy Rally

Hallberg-Rassy Rally
Hallberg-Rassy Rally – 101 sailors and 40 yachts in the Hallberg-Rassy Rally where everybody wins 2019
The 2019 edition of the traditional Hallberg-Rassy Rally where everybody wins had 101 participating Hallberg-Rassy sailors in 40 yachts. The oldest boat was a 24 ft Misil II from the 1970s and the newest a British Hallberg-Rassy 57 from 2019.

As usual, the weather was excellent with various winds between 6 and 16 knots from NE and all sailors enjoyed a real good time together. The delicious dinners were a Swedish West Coast buffet on Friday and Fillet of Beef on Saturday.

As the tradition says with this popular Rally, there was no time keeping and only winners. Every boat won some kind of category. Prizes were generous, including for example a Raymarine Axiom MFD chart plotter, an inverter, a sprayhood, several automatic life vests, led lights, tool kits, clothes, bags and a lot more.
Save the date: 12-13 June 2020, that’s when the next “Hallberg-Rassy Rally where everybody wins” will be held at the yard in Ellös, Sweden.