David, Michelle with Ian Gray_NSRIR 50,000 donated to NSRI by Clipper Race organisers

Late last week following a ferocious storm, the South African National Sea Rescue Institute (NSRI) station at Port Elizabeth launched its rescue vessels twice in separate incidents, to provide assistance to injured crew members taking part in the Clipper Round the World Yacht RaceAustralian David Griffin was taken off the 70 foot ocean racing yacht Mission Performance with an injured calf after becoming impaled on a cleat during the same violent storm that rolled competing boat Derry~Londonderry~Doire, resulting in British woman Michelle Porter suffering severe bruising and torn upper arm ligaments.

Legendary yachtsman, the Clipper Race Founder and Chairman, Sir Robin Knox-Johnston said: “As an experienced yachtsman who has completed four circumnavigations and more than five decades of sailing, I am a real advocate of the crucial role that organisations such as the NSRI play in the support and protection of sailors.”

“As an expression of our gratitude and a recognition of the excellent service they provided David Griffin and Michelle Porter, the Clipper Round the World Yacht Race is pleased to be donating  50,000 Rand to the continuation of Port Elizabeth’s NSRI service.”

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