The biggest CARAVAN SALON of all times
![Düsseldorf, DEU. 29.08.2015. Der CARAVAN SALON DUESSELDORF ist die weltgrößte Messe für mobile Freizeit, zu der jedes Jahr mehr als 175.000 Besucher kommen. Insgesamt 590 Aussteller präsentieren von Samstag, 29. August bis Sonntag, 6. September 2015 Reisemobile und Caravans jeder Größe und Preiskategorie, außerdem Zubehör, Zelte, Technik und touristische Destinationen. _ CARAVAN SALON DUESSELDORF showcases the world_s largest selection for mobile holidays. From August 29 to September 6 2015, 590 exhibitors show motorhomes and caravans, basic vehicles, accessoires, equipment, tents, mobile homes and travel destinations. Each year some 175,000 visitors come to see the CARAVAN SALON. Foto: Constanze Tillmann, Exploitation right Messe Duesseldorf, M e s s e p l a t z, D-40474 D u e s s e l d o r f,; eine h o n o r a r f r e i e Nutzung des Bildes ist nur fuer journalistische Berichterstattung, bei vollstaendiger Namensnennung des Urhebers gem. Par. 13 UrhG (Foto: Messe Duesseldorf / ctillmann) und Beleg moeglich; Verwendung ausserhalb journalistischer Zwecke nur nach schriftlicher Vereinbarung mit dem Urheber; soweit nicht ausdruecklich vermerkt werden keine Persoenlichkeits-, Eigentums-, Kunst- oder Markenrechte eingeraeumt. Die Einholung dieser Rechte obliegt dem Nutzer; Jede Weitergabe des Bildes an Dritte ohne Genehmigung ist untersagt | Any usage and publication only for editorial use, commercial use and advertising only after agreement; unless otherwise stated: no Model release, property release or other third party rights available; royalty free only with mandatory credit: photo by Messe Duesseldorf]](
Record figures posted for the 55th anniversary of the leading international fair for motor homes and caravans
Celebrating its 55th anniversary the world’s biggest fair for mobile vacationing CARAVAN SALON boasts new record figures. Thanks to an additional exhibition hall CARAVAN SALON DÜSSELDORF from 27 August to 4 September 2016 will be as big as ever. Commenting on this, Joachim Schäfer, Managing Director at Messe Düsseldorf GmbH, said: “We are delighted with the continued growth of the leading fair for motor homes and caravans worldwide. Once again, the entire caravanning industry will be represented here in Düsseldorf. A total of 590 national and international exhibitors with 130 caravan and motor home brands will be presenting their innovations and current models in twelve halls as well as on the outdoor exhibition space. On 210,000 square metres to the tune of 2,100 recreational vehicles in all conceivable sizes and versions can be marvelled at.”
In Düsseldorf the complete market is represented
At the CARAVAN SALON everything this market has to offer will be on display. Düsseldorf Exhibition Centre awaits visitors with the world’s most comprehensive ranges for mobile holiday-making: motor homes and caravans, basic vehicles, accessories, technical equipment, detachable parts, awnings, mobile homes, campsites, trailer parks as well as travel destinations. “Various manufacturers approached us asking us for more exhibition space so as to be able to present a wider variety of vehicles. Messe Düsseldorf as organisers and the Caravaning Industrie Verband as conceptual sponsors have responded to this request and therefore extended the exhibition space to include Hall 4,” explains Stefan Koschke, Director of the CARAVAN SALON. The fair in Düsseldorf has traditionally been the new product launch date for the caravanning sector – here manufacturers will again present fascinating trends, innovative developments and numerous global launches. Koschke adds: “We are looking to this year’s fair with lots of optimism and hope to follow on from last year’s record results.”
Unique range of vehicles, innovations and trends
Caravanning as a form of holiday-making is enjoying a constant rise in
popularity. The sector is undergoing a real boom and the outlook for 2016 is bright. At the CARAVAN SALON recreational vehicles of all types and sizes are on show. “In Düsseldorf every caravanning enthusiast will find their personal dream vehicle: from compact “iconic” caravans and spacious motor homes for families to luxury mobile homes complete with fireplace, rain shower or on-board sauna,” says Hans-Karl Sternberg, General Manager of the Caravaning Industrie Verband e. V. (CIVD). Still enjoying popularity are compact vehicles such as van conversions or partially integrated motor homes, which are also fit for a wide variety of everyday uses. “Many entry-level models are already available for small budgets while the sky is the limit in the luxury segment,” adds Sternberg.
A multitude of new caravans and motor homes are guaranteed to “spice up” models in 2017. Aerodynamic designs and the use of new, smart lightweight construction characterise the current generation of RVs. Digital applications such as BUS systems continue to be a big trend in the RV industry. These systems allow lighting, air conditioning and the like to be conveniently controlled via a central control panel. For interior design the focus is on intelligent furniture, clever space allocation and functional design.
Halls 4, 9 to 12 and 14 to 17 are home to caravans and motor homes while camping accessories from awnings to gas cartridges will be on display in the accessories area in Hall 5. Exhibitors with technical parts for order in the “Technik-Order” segment can be found in Hall 13. The fair offers a line-up of detachable parts, installations and technology that is unique in size. In Hall 13 170 exhibitors ensure visitors are spoilt for choice,” delights Stefan Koschke. The tourism segment with campsites and caravan pitches as well as travel destinations is located in Hall 7 right next to the Nord entrance.
Raffling of high-quality vehicles
The CIVD will be represented not only with an information stand but also a special show. In keeping with the CARAVAN SALON’s 55th anniversary visitors can look forward to an exciting journey through time at attractive experiential and activity stands. Furthermore, the CIVD will be organising a spectacular raffle: visitors will be given the opportunity to win an exquisite Caravan as well as a luxury motor home. Both vehicles are on show at the Nord entrance.
StarterWorld – Mobile Travelling “Discover. Inform. GetGoing”
After the successful debut last year, experts will once again share important know-how and caravanning practice in the special show StarterWorld – Mobile Travelling “Discover. Inform. GetGoing”. The unbiased and manufacturer-independent contact point addresses both new and experienced caravanning fans. In the StarterWorld there are practical tips and recommendations provided for vehicle types, travel routes, equipment, vehicle technology or the right choice of campsite. On stage industry professionals will deliver talks on a wide variety of topics related to mobile holidays while a “Runder Tisch” roundtable will enable visitors to swop ideas and experience.
Information and entertainment for caravanning enthusiasts
This year the CARAVAN SALON DÜSSELDORF will once again be offering an informative and entertaining programme to accompany exhibitors’ ranges.
In the dream tours cinema Konstantin Abert, Jeanette Emerich and Uwe Hamm will whisk visitors off to China, Iceland, Northern Russia and Norway, Namibia and South Africa as well as the highlights along the Pan-American Highway.
For children aged 4 and over the Workers’ Welfare Association offers a wide range of games at its stand; furthermore, young people and older children can let off steam to their heart’s desire at the Adventure Camp operated by Stadtsportbund Düsseldorf on the outdoor space. The popular vintage car exhibition of the “Caravaning Oldie Club” will come under the heading of “55 Years of CARAVAN SALON”.
Proving particularly popular with visitors was the E-Bike Circuit (“E-Bike-Parcours”), which will therefore be expanded once more this year by popular demand. This outdoor circuit makes it possible to test drive e-bikes, e-motorcycles and eco-movers.
Caravan Center on P1
Many caravanning enthusiasts will travel to the fair in their own vehicles.
During the CARAVAN SALON in excess of 65,000 visitors stay in their own vehicles at the Caravan Center of Messe Düsseldorf. On the large parking lot P1 situated north of the exhibition centre there are over 3,500 serviced and non-serviced pitches. In 2016 visitors will again be able to pre-book a pitch online. With the aim of improving the service and cutting waiting times for check-in the booking system will be extended and developed further.
Online ticket valid for two days
This year’s online ticket is also very visitor-friendly. Electronic tickets are non-transferrable and include admission to the exhibition centre on two separate days. This means visitors to the CARAVAN SALON can immerse themselves in the caravanning world for even longer and still have to pay for it only once.
TourNatur held in Parallel in Hall 6
Once again running in parallel on the second weekend (2 to 4 September) will be the hiking and trekking fair TourNatur. The move into Hall 6 provides an even closer link to CARAVAN SALON with shorter distances and even better orientation. In addition to presenting more than 5,000 hiking destinations exhibitors here offer the latest equipment as well as expert advice on the topic of hiking and trekking. A total of 275 exhibitors are represented at this Germany’s only consumer exhibition for hiking and trekking.
The CARAVAN SALON DÜSSELDORF 2016 is open from Saturday, 27 August, to Sunday, 4 September 2016, on each day from 10 am to 6 pm. For trade visitors and media representatives the fair is already open on Friday, 26 August. Online tickets cost Euro 14 for adults; children, schoolchildren, students and CARAVAN SALON Club members pay Euro 10. Tickets for children (aged 6 to 12) cost Euro 6. All ticket purchased online are valid for up to two days for the person named on the ticket. Admission tickets purchased in advance include free travel to and from the exhibition centre on all means of transport within the VRR network on the days of the fair (2nd class on German railways). Admission tickets purchased on the day include free travel from the exhibition centre within the VRR network.