BENETEAU is launching the 1st “Barracuda Tour”

Beneteau-Barracuda TourBENETEAU is launching the 1st “Barracuda Tour”, a promotional rally in legs which will take place in Brittany from 10 to 19 May 2013. The goal of this event is to bring together the different sport fishing players and to meet up with its amateur sea fishing customers.

SAINT HILAIRE DE RIEZ, 29 April 2013. The Barracuda Tour will set off on next Saturday, 11 May from St Gilles Croix de Vie, historical site and brand headquarters and will finish a week later in St Malo. On the programme, eight legs around Brittany finding outstanding fishing sites to promote the very essence of these fabulous boats created for sport fishing.

Friday 10 May: Launch evening in Saint Gilles Croix
de Vie
Saturday, 11 May: Saint Gilles Croix de Vie – Pornic
Sunday 12 May: Pornic – Quiberon
Monday 13 May: Quiberon – Port La Forêt
Tuesday 14 May: Port La Forêt – Audierne
Wednesday 15 May: Audierne – Brest
Thursday 16 May: Brest – Roscoff
Friday 17 May: Roscoff – Paimpol
Saturday 18 May: Paimpol – Saint Malo
+ Closing evening at Saint Malo

For this first Barracuda Tour, Beneteau will be surrounded by the best! Lowrance electronics 2014, Honda Marine electronic commands, underwater floodlights – a fully equipped Barracuda 7 and Barracuda 9 will confront each other as they set out to conquer the bass. For the fishing, Beneteau has called on local professional guides as well as specialized Press Release BENETEAU 02 equipment manufacturers who will pour out quantities of advice both at sea and on shore: Illex – Element Rider for rods, Daïwa for reels, Fiiish for lures and Henri Lloyd clothing. Each day will be divided among periods of sailing averaging 5 minutes and periods of fishing. A local guide will embark to provide his experience of the areas crossed and the techniques to use. The fish we are looking for is Bass. Each catch will be measured, photographed and put back into the sea.

Some fish will be kept in a fish tank and released when the legs are finished. Barracuda owners may join the tour with their own boat and take part in one or several days of this rally. Every evening, a cocktail party organised by the Beneteau dealer for the leg in question will bring together the participants. Scheduled: entertainment/demonstrations of equipment used, showing the boats and a good friendly atmosphere.

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