TOUR DE MARTINIQUE – With Bertrand de Broc as Race Ambassador, 15-16 February 2014

TOUR DE MARTINIQUEThe 2014 Tour de Martinique race was officially presented by the Association Ven Dan Vwèl 972 at the Paris boat show on Saturday, 7th of July with the event ambassador Bertrand de Broc, who has just returned from the Transat Jacques Vabre race. The race round the island leaves from Fort de France bay and will take place over the 15th and 16th of February 2014.

The Tour de Martinque race was created 20 years ago and is organised by the Club Nautique Neptune du Lamentin and run by the French Sailing Federation (FFV) together with the Association Ven Dan VwèlVwel 972. Georges Brival, founder of the Tour des Yoles (the traditional Martinique fishing boat race round the island that takes place each year and is the island’s biggest event) is godfather of the event.

The race course is divided into two parts (Fort de France Bay to Robert and Robert to Fort de France Bay) and prides itself on being a fun event that sees some 50 boats of 24 foot (7.15m) and over split over four classes:

– Coastal cruising class in HN (Cruising)
– Caribbean Sailing Association Spinnakers (Racing, Melges, Class 40 et Figaro II)
– Multihull
– Surprises / Class 8

Entries for the 2014 edition of the Tour de Martinique will once again come primarily from the Caribbean sailing circuit that are attractedwith many attracted to the deep waters on the 100-mile course which guarantees some surprises. The skippers will hnave to negotiate manage the waves and long rolling surf conditionsboth long rolling surf conditions, which are common in the area, and the calmer beats up the coastline.

“The most difficult part of the course will be between the North East and North West part of the island, between Grand Rivière and St Pierre, where the land effects of the Montagne Pelée range can cause strong wind shifts,” Claude Granel, president of the Association Ven Dan Vwel 972, said. “That which is why it is important to position oneself well at this stage of the race. You have to be smart about going to get the wind in the right places. On the south Atlantic side you have to keep well off the coral reefs to avoid any unnecessary risks”, explains Claude Granel, president of the Association Ven Dan Vwel 972.

To date, some thirty teams from Martinique, Guadeloupe and the Caribbean have registered their entry. The top three to finish in each class will be awarded a prizeA and a whole range of crews take part from past winners, newcomers, amateurs but also professional sailors like Marc Emig from Marseille, who will be racing for the Association Ven Dan Vwel 972. The top three to finish in each class will be awarded a prize. “I am really pleased to be able to share my experience with all members of the Aassociation,” Emig said.. “I know a bit about little of the challenges difficulties of the course and it is always a real pleasure to sail in the Caribbean at that that time of year.

This is the ideal opportunity for those who are passionate about sailing and want to compete oin the idyllic setting.

Tour de Martinique Programme
14th February 2014
08 :00 – 17:00 Measurement controls and registrations
19:00 Welcome cocktail and skippers briefing

15th February 2014
07:00 – 09:00 Course 1 race start (Fort de France Bay to Robert)
19:00 Party with live music on the beach – pPrize gGiving for Course 1

16th February 2014
06:00 – 07:00 Local and continental breakfast
07:00 – 09:00 Course 2 race start (Robert to Baie Fort de France Bay)
18:00 Cocktail party and pPrize giving

NOTE: The Association Ven Dan VwèlVwel 972 will also be supporting the “Ven Dan VwèlVwel Martinique” crew of Andrzej Kochanski and Hervé Héjoaka (and coached by Marc Emig),isd on thecompeting in the Transquadra 2014 (starting July 2014).of Andrzej Kochanski and Hervé Héjoaka and coached by Marc Emig.

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