12th -15thApril 2012


All seminars will be held in the NEW Seminar Marquee in the Bastion Saint Jaume it is sponsored by The Superyacht Group.

 Also like in previous years some of our exhibitors are planning tombola and other games, visit their stands to find out more..

Thursday April’12th/2012 10h00:19h00

10h00 Opening of the Show
10h00 /12h00 Seminar CATHELCO  : Find out how to save time and money about pipework antifouling systems, hull protection and watermakers
Contact: or
12h00 /13h00 Seminar : BLACK STAR VAT :“VAT Surgery on EU yacht ownership – private or charter”
15h00 Inauguration presided by M. Jean Léonetti, Mayor of Antibes, Minister in charge of the European Affairs
16h00 /18h00 Seminar WATCH ME – The prestigious company TAJAN will be present. Get your valuable
16h00 /18h00 Riviera Radio will be broadcasted live from the MEDIA CENTER (IYCA)
Contact :
20h00 Crew BBQ – IYCA (invitation only)
Contact :

Friday April’13th 2012  10h00/21h00

10h00 /19h00 Seminar ISS All day (YACHTinfo first time in Europe) see details below
For all seminars that day c­­ontact:
10h00 /11h00 Moderated by MYBA: Challenges of charters, Sale and Purchase, How can crew help with chartering and selling the yachts
11h30 /12h30 Moderated by Lloyd’s Register: Communication Triangle, PYC Impact, Yacht Design
13h00 /14h00 Moderated by ISS: When the harbour Master welds you to the pier – When the VAT man comes knocking and Interpol does you for Money Laundering
14h30 /17h00 Moderated by PYA/MCA: Engineering, regulatory changes and management training rollout.
Followed by new changes to PYA and ICTC update.
16h00 /18h00 Riviera Radio will be live from the MEDIA CENTER (IYCA)
Contact :
19h00 /21h00 Late Night open to the public
21h30 Captains’ Dinner – Hôtel Belles Rives Juan Les Pins (invitation only)
Contact :

Saturday April’14th 2012 10h00/19h00

14h00 /15h00 Seminar ECO CREW along with support from Town of Antibes, learn what to recycle on board yachts
16h00 /18h00 Seminar FLP Products. The team of FLP Products are experts in coating and Nano Technology. Come and find out a new way of coating beyond imagination.
19h30 Exhibitors’ Cocktail – Restaurant area (invitation only)
Contact :

Sunday 15th of April 2012 10h00/18h00

ALL DAY Yacht Hop– During the day, participating yachts will allow professionals to come on board and visit the yachts. Stay tuned to our website to collect more info.
18h00 Show ends

For all the Crew, visit the Crew Lounge, sponsored by BLUEWATER YACHTING, they will propose many activities (to be confirmed):

– flower arranging workshop

– head to head chef challenge

– napkin folding for engineers

– team quiz

* Please register for these activities with Bluewater:

AYS will also continue to have free parking and free bus and boat shuttles to take the visitors to the boat show.

For those who missed this year’s show, you can watch our 2011 video below.


We look forward to seeing you at the yacht show, Antibes from April 12th – 15th 2012.

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