Wim van der Valk Continental Yachts signs contract for the construction of the new 26 meter Continental III.

Continental III 26.00 side view

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Wim van der Valk Continental Yachts signs contract for the  
construction of the new 26 meter Continental III.

The Wim van der Valk shipyard and their Russian representative from Saint Petersburg, Triumph Yachts, are pleased to announce that they have recently signed a contract for construction of a Continental III 26.00 RPH Aluminum/IPS – Flybridge.

This order is the perfect example of the Wim van der Valk yard approach! On the basis of the initial design/model, adjustments are made, in close collaboration with the client, to develop a completely new model. The final design has come into existence by close cooperation between the prestigious design team of Guido de Groot design, the shipyard and the client. Beyond, the entire interior is designed and built according the owners demands. This is what we call bespoke yacht building in its purest form.

The Continental III 26.00 RPH will be powered by a revolutionary Triple Volvo Penta IPS-1200 Drive system. Some of the very many interesting features on this ship are a Seakeeper M26000 zero-speed gyro stabilizing system, a night vision camera system, an integrated osmose treated boat-wash system and a stunning FOHHN audio system which provides transparent and detailed audio performance with extraordinarily smooth and even frequency response.

The delivery of this ship is scheduled for August / September 2013.

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