HD Hyundai Infracore eco-friendly electronic marine engines

HD Hyundai Infracore eco-friendly electronic marine engines
Launched in 2021 when the company first introduced the DX12 model, HD Hyundai Infracore electronic marine engines represent an eco-friendly propulsion solution with significantly improved power and fuel efficiency compared to the mechanical engines in the same power class.
HD Hyundai Infracore eco-friendly electronic marine engines

HD Hyundai Infracore electronic engines range from 130 HP up to 1235 HP, being equipped with a common rail system that supplies and injects fuel at high pressure, thus improving power and fuel efficiency by 10% and 5%, respectively, compared to the existing mechanical engines. Other notable features include the significantly reduced exhaust gas and compact design of the engine size compared to competitors considering the environment of small and medium-sized ships with narrow engine rooms.
The TMS (Telematics Service) provides critical insight on the engine, through preventive inspection and rapid fault diagnosis. The data gleaned from telematics allows for more efficient maintenance schedules and safer vessel operation. Also, consumable replacement management and equipment use efficiency increase through real-time engine information check and management.
Watermota Romania as HD Hyundai Infracore appointed distributor in Romania and Bulgaria offers 3 years extended warranty option, to help keep the engine running smoothly and hassle-free, all of which translates into one thing: customer’s peace of mind.