Virtual showroom with the new Azimut Yachts i-Pad App

The new Azimut Yachts i-Pad application was launched 14 July on Apple’s App Store. The application provides access to the boatyard’s virtual showroom.
It is the first space completely dedicated to the Magellano 50′, an award-winning boat belonging to the collection of the same name; the yacht officially debuted at the last boat show in Genoa.
Inside, a vast collection of material and information is freely available. Taking full advantage of Apple technology, visitors can tour the boat, access important information and technical specifications and compare the different layouts available. Above all, visitors can appreciate the boat’s style, design, comfort and technology, qualities which Azimut Yachts has thoroughly embodied over the years.
Packed with contents that are unmatched in the boating world today, the innovative App represents Azimut Yachts’ desire and willingness to anticipate the needs of boat owners and enthusiasts by providing concrete and direct solutions.

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