Ready for the Perini Navi Cup 2015

Porto Cervo,  2 -5 September 2015

Perini Navi


As of today there are 16 Perini Navi yachts heading  to Porto Cervo to take part at the 6th edition of the Perini Navi Cup. The regatta & rendez vous are exclusively dedicated to the Perini Navi fleet and it is one of the most anticipated events of the season.

Boats attending will be:

Bayesian, the 56m sloop

Clan VIII, 45m sloop –

Elettra, 25m sloop –

Ellen, 40m ketch –

Helios, 45m sloop

Jasali II, 52 m ketch  –

Melek, 56m ketch

P2, 38m sloop –

Perseus^3, 60m sloop

Principessa Vai Via 40 m ketch

Rosehearty, 56m ketch,

Seahawk, 60m ketch

Silvana 56m ketch

The Maltese Falcon, 88 m clipper

Xnoi, 30m sloop


Special guest, the 50m Exuma, first Picchiotti motor yacht by Perini Navi, on her return from a 5 year circumnavigation of the globe, initiated right after her delivery and  recently completed.


The Perini Navi Cup has prestigious partners such as the iconic contemporary Italian jewelry brand Vhernier; Axa Yachting Solutions (at its third event as a sponsor); Marchesi Antinori representing the Italian world excellence of wine making and Rybovich as Perini Navi’s American partner in Yacht Service and Refit. The event is organized in collaboration with the Yacht Club Costa Smeralda and its historical partners such as Rolex and Audi.


The Event Program includes an inimitable combination of exciting racing and social functions providing the participating Owners, their yachts and guests with a unique opportunity to celebrate the Perini family spirit.


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