Prince Albert Foundation and German Ocean Foundation launch “ocean tribute” Award 2018
Protection of the world’s oceans concerns us all
Protection of the world’s oceans and waterways has been an issue of
central importance to boot Düsseldorf for many years now. Starting this
year, the leading international water sports trade fair is now a supporter of
the “ocean tribute” Award. On behalf of his foundation and the German
Ocean Foundation, Prince Albert of Monaco called on the scientific and
industrial communities as well as society in general to enter projects for
the Award when he spoke at boot 2017. “And this should be done as
quickly as possible”, explains boot Director Petros Michelidakis: “because
our prestigious jury studies the entries very conscientiously and will be
examining each individual one to determine its benefits for ocean and
waterway protection. That takes a great deal of time”. Relevant projects
should be registered at the address by 30 August at the
latest, with an outline presenting their concept on a maximum of two
pages. What is important in this context is information about the
objectives, the target group, the implementation methods and organisation
as well as the results and the players making up the team. The jury will
then choose the nominated projects by 30 September; they will be
presented to the public with photographic and video material at The winners in the three categories
Science, Industry and Society will be announced and honoured at boot
Düsseldorf in January 2018.
Impact, involvement and networking should have top priority in all entries.
The project must have the potential to make a substantial and ongoing
improvement to ocean and waterway cleanliness. As many people as
possible should be involved in or benefit from the project. And, last but not
least, numerous new players should be motivated, while the greatest
possible impact should be achieved.
Projects entered in the “ocean tribute” Award focus on research into and
development of innovative technologies with the potential to protect and
preserve the world’s oceans in future. Projects that increase and spread
scientific expertise and research capacities are promising candidates too.
Activities that regulate fishing effectively and implement scientifically
sound management plans, so that fish stocks recover again, are also
welcome. As are measures for more sustainable management to protect
ocean and coast ecosystems and for their restoration. Projects that aim to
reduce ocean overacidification and combat the effects of overacidification
should enter as well. There is in addition strong interest in outstanding PR
activities that address problems and propose sustainable solutions for our
oceans and waterways. “Protection of the world’s oceans concerns us all”,
explains Petros Michelidakis and adds: “boot Düsseldorf supports the
“ocean tribute” Award and we are delighted to be able to provide
information and encourage the public to take action. It is based on the
mission formulated by the United Nations: the aim is to preserve oceans
and marine resources, while promoting sustainable development and use
of them.”
The jury consists of respected experts from the scientific, industrial and
trade fair communities. They include Monika Breuch-Moritz, meteorologist,
President of the German Maritime and Hydrographic Agency (BSH) and
member of the advisory board of the German Ocean Foundation, Werner
Matthias Dornscheidt, CEO of Messe Düsseldorf, His Excellency Bernard
Fautrier, Vice President and CEO of the Prince Albert II of Monaco
Foundation as well as plenipotentiary and special advisor to the Prime
Minister of Monaco on sustainable development issues, Professor
Emeritus Dr Hartmut Graßl, Chairman of the Federation of German
Scientists, Chairman of the advisory board of the German Ocean
Foundation and one of the most famous German scientists, Professor
Emeritus Dr Michael Orbach, anthropologist and prominent US marine
policy consultant, Duke University, founder member of the Surfrider
Foundation and member of the advisory board of the German Ocean
Foundation, and Robert Marx, President of the German Water Sports
Association and boot Düsseldorf as well as Managing Partner of Friedrich
Marx GmbH.