Monaco-Porto Cervo Wally Record: Esimit Europa 2 smashes record


Monaco-Porto Cervo Wally Record: Esimit Europa 2 smashes record

Sunday 26 August 2012. At 3.10pm and 18 seconds, Esimit Europa 2 crossed the finish line of the Wally Record. This renowned  world speed record between Monaco and Sardinia, recognised by the  World Sailing Speed Record Council (international authority in place to validate sailing records), is organised under the initiative of the Monaco-based Wally shipyard, in collaboration with the Yacht Club de Monaco and the Yacht Club Costa Smeralda.

Under 10 hours, 13 minutes and 42 seconds, at an impressive speed of 18 nautical miles for a mono-hull, the prestigious maxi owned by Igor Simcic, Esimit Europa 2, smashed the existing record set in 2003 by the Wally Nariida, of 15 hours 25 minutes and 9 seconds.

Having left Monaco at 4.56am and 36 seconds in a stiff 12-knot westerly breeze and after 185 nautical miles, the 33m sail yacht skippered by Jochen Schuemann, assisted by navigator Juan Vila, made the most of the ideal weather conditions, particularly the 25-knot Mistral near the finish line.
This latest record is the icing on the cake for the European crew flying the Monegasque flag, which has had a fantastic season this year. They beat the Giraglia Rolex Cup record (Saint-Tropez-San Remo via the Corsican cape) and took second place in corrected time in the Palermo-Montecarlo (having established the benchmark record in 2010).
A top performance warmly acknowledged by Riccardo Bonadeo, Commodore of the YCCS and Bernard d’Alessandri, Secretary General du YCM, as well as Luca Bassani Antivari, Wally Yachts CEO and founder and the man behind this record-setting event open to all mono-hull sailing yachts: “All my sincerest congratulations go to the crew on Esimit Europa 2! You have represented in fine style the spirit of this trophy and the raison d’être of the Wally brand: sailing at high speed and having fun!”


The new record calls out to be challenged and already the 66meter-long Aglaia, designed in 2011 by Dubois Naval Architects and skippered by the Norwegian Kjell Rokke, has announced her intention to beat this record in September 2012. Watch this space!

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