Lürssen Art Collective

The auction will run from November 6 to November 20, 2018.

During the Monaco Yacht Show, four unique paintings were created at the Lürssen booth by the Lürssen Art Collective!


The “Lürssen collective” consists of visitors to the Monaco Yacht Show including some of the most famous yacht designers. Every member of the collective who has contributed to this painting has put his/her signature on a signature board which is mounted on the back of each work.

This auction is a charity auction and all proceeds will go to support the work of Blue Marine Foundation, dedicated to restoring healthy oceans.

To learn more about BLUE’s projects around the world and Lürssen’s support thereof, click here.

Important to know: When you place a bid, you will only be paying for the incremental difference between your bid and the previous bid. A subsequent bidder can top your bid and so forth, and so forth … until the closing of the auction on November 20, 2018 at 22.00 h CET. Minimum bid is 25 Euro.

Please remember: This is a Charity Auction and you could be owning a 10,000 Euro painting for just 25 Euro!


As a start of the process, Lürssen has contributed with a first starting bid of 5.000 Euro for each painting.


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