IMCI gives informative presentation on seminar in Antalya in Turkey for over 60 professionals of the boating industry

IMCI64 naval architects and surveyors attended a 2-day seminar, organized by the Antalya Freezone Businessmen’s Association (ASBIAD) and the International Institute of Marine Surveying (IIMS). Most of attendees came from one of the numerous boat yards producing in the free-trade zone of Antalya yachts between 6 – 60 meters. Main topics were the CE certification according to the EU Recreational Craft Directive, the Small and Large Yacht Code, as far as marine surveying issues. Ulrich Manigel, IMCI certification manager, gave a brief overview about the concept of EU Directives, leading over to the details of the Recreational Craft Directive. Furthermore topic was the new Directive 2013/53/EU for recreational craft that became already effective on 18th of January 2014.Other topics were the harmonised ISO Standards, the required technical documentation and the Declaration of Conformity. Haluk Soygür, IMCI inspector in Turkey and one of the co-organizers, appreciated the great attendance and positive feedback. IMCI, of course, offers further support for all upcoming activities of ASBIAD.

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