Fleet of ten Hallberg-Rassy 342 moves from Germany to England
British Kiel Yacht Club has had five fleets of new Hallberg-Rassys, all in all no less than 54 new Hallberg-Rassys.

Sadly the club has now been closed down. Prior to that, Hallberg-Rassy honoured the club and especially Baz Ennels and Chris Wrigley, long time staff members of the club with a cooperation with Hallberg-Rassy that has spanned over decades. The first Hallberg-Rassy fleet was twelve Hallberg-Rassy 29 back in 1989.
The current fleet of ten Hallberg-Rassy 342 at British Kiel Yacht Club in Germany has been moved to South England and continue in Adventurous Sail Training at Joint Services, adventurous sail training center, known as JSASTC in Gosport, UK. The purpose of JSASTC is to develop the character and leadership qualities essential to members of the Armed Forces through offshore sailing.