In this category you will find the latest information in the nautical field. Yachting Pleasure takes the information is received directly from the source.


Torqeedo provides hybrid-electric propulsion systems for XOCEAN's crewless vessels  Torqeedo-XOCEAN -The three-year-old company based in Ireland provides turnkey underwater data...


43wallytender: form perfectly balancing with multifunction Ferretti Group has announced the latest addition to its growing offering of fast, fun...

Swan 98

The new Swan 98 30 meters of volume, contemporary elegance and effortless performance  GENERAL Swan 98 - Designed by the...

Hylas H57

The all-new Hylas H57 performancecruiser debuts onSan Francisco Bay Hylas H57-The first Hylas H57 made its “sailing debut” on San...

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