boot Düsseldorf 2020 fully on course

At the halfway point of the fair, boot Düsseldorf 2020 is fully on course. CEO Werner Matthias Dornscheidt: “We are riding on a real wave of success. The atmosphere in the 17 boot halls is excellent.” Boats, sailing and super yachts will delight visitors in Halls 1 to 6 and 15 to 17, while hands-on activities such as surfing, SUP (both in Hall 8a), diving (Halls 11 and 12), paddling (Hall 14) and sailing (Hall 15) will be major attractions for the young and young-at-heart. By the middle of the week, halfway through the boot, 125,000 water sports enthusiasts had already streamed into the Düsseldorf exhibition halls. There, in the middle of winter, the best summer holiday mood prevails. Water sports destinations from all over the world invite you to dream and also to make concrete holiday bookings at the Travel World in Hall 13.
“Since 2017 boot has been setting a clear sign for marine protection with the platform ‘love your ocean’ and the ‘ocean tribute’ Award. Now at boot 2020 more than 50 manufacturers are showing electric boats and alternative drives. Sustainability is also making its way in boat building”, explains boot Director Petros Michelidakis.
Until Sunday, all friends and fans of boot can treat themselves to a trip into the summer. members pay only 17.00 € for the two-day ticket.
photo: Ionuţ Tudose